A Water Mark

January 13, 2019
Baptism of the Lord Sunday
We are Known by the Water:
Called To Life Anew
Psalm 29
Mark 1:4-11 MSG

A Water Mark
Let us pray…(pray for the Spirits leading)
Please stand as you are able for the reading of the Gospel according to Mark. We are reding chapter 4 verses 4-11. Listen to the encounter of Jesus with John at the Jordan River and what transpired there…
(Read from the Message Bible)

Water mark:
Faint design made in some paper during manufacture that is visible when held against the light and typically identifies the maker…

Good Morning… when I think of a water mark…I think of money. When you look at a bill it looks just like any old paper with writing on it…but as we hold it up to the light we can see other writing that is not visible when we look at it at first. It needs the light to show the water mark…the identifying  mark …that has been embedded in it so that we will know it is real…no a forgery…

Water Mark:
©     To mark paper with a water mark
©     To impress a given design as a water mark.
Today, in the Christian Calendar is the day we celebrate, commemorate, the baptism of Jesus…we remember our own baptism as well… we will do that later…at the end of my sermon. So let us pray together over the waters of the Jordan River this morning…

(Almighty God, the life you birthed in us by baptism into Jesus Christ will never die. Your justice never fails. Your mercy is everlasting. Your healing river flows. Your Spirit blows where you will. We cannot stop you, God!
But sometimes we try. We try to block the flow, we redirect the winds of the Spirit, or we walk so far away from the life-giving Stream that we do not hear its sound, and we forget its power. We parch ourselves.
We are dry and thirsty, O God. Come, refresh us! Come upon us, Holy Spirit! Come upon these waters.
Let these waters be to us drops of your mercy. Let these waters remind us of your righteousness and justice. Let these waters renew in us the resurrection power of Jesus. Let these waters make us long for your coming reign.
Most Holy God, Abba, Father! Glory to you! Jesus Christ, Savior, Lord! Glory to you!)

In the account of Jesus being baptized we see two things happening at His baptism:
1.  God’s Spirit, which looked like a dove. descended upon Him…
We see and hear about a dove and it’s symbolism in the bible. When Noah was wondering about the flood waters…he sent out a bird…a couple of times. But when he sent out a dove…it came back with an olive branch in it’s mouth. Telling him that the flood was over and the dry ground had returned. Life giving…life after the flood for Noah and his family and the animals aboard the Ark… Life through the Waters… Out of Chaos and into God’s peace…
2.  A Voice proclaiming who He was. Jesus was marked beloved as He came out of the waters of His baptism. If He ever questioned His identity…which I am sure He never did since He called God father even at the age of 12 in the temple…this is a seal the deal moment…beyond a shadow of doubt…He was God’s beloved Son…

When we are baptized…we receive a water mark so to speak. It is within that water mark…it is within that imprint that we are seen either true or forgery… But this is my question that I think we should ponder over. When we are held up to the Light of the World, is our water mark apparent or is there no water mark to identify us as original…not a forgery? Is our Maker being identified or is the stain of the world over shadowing it…?

In our baptism we are sealed with the Mark of beloved son…beloved daughter. What was chaotic because of sin is now given life…new life that is covered with God’s grace. Life through the Waters… Out of Chaos and into God’s peace…

Baptism of the Lord: In the story of Jesus’ baptism in the Jordan, a voice from heaven proclaims “You are my Son, the Beloved…”  A man is watermarked, the Spirit descends in an ancient symbol of the dove and a clear identification of not only divine lineage–but blessing of divine love is given.  So it is with our own watermarks.  We will reaffirm our own baptism, celebrate new baptisms among us and remember that the watermark of God is life-giving AND lifelong.   

As we celebrate and remember that we too are marked and sealed with God’s love and grace…
Remember…that you are beloved
Remember that you are sons and daughters of God
Remember in you He is pleased
Remember that you are sealed and accepted by God
Remember that you are given life…life abundant
Remember the divine love that is all around you...

Remember your Baptism and live…



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